Messianic Teachings for Christians
The Chronological Gospels - Season 1 are 13 Episodes that not only put Jesus' live in chronological order, but also help us to understand his live and the Scriptures from a Hebraic perspective. It helps us all to understand what Jesus was teaching in the Pharisee synagogues, we must diligently study every incident the Gospel authors record, and ask; “What DID Jesus DO in their synagogues”? What he DID is the Gospel of the Kingdom. What did he SAY in the heat of battle with the religious leaders? What he SAID is the Gospel of the Kingdom. Everything he SAID and DID was an ILLUSTRATION – a living example of the Gospel of the Kingdom in word and deed. Join Michael Rood in Israel as you explore the Life and Teachings of Jesus - Yeshua of Nazareth.
Click on the link below to start watching the approximately 28 minutes episodes with Episode 1. Then continue on YouTube to watch and learn from the rest of The Chronological Gospel - Season 1, Episode 2 - 13.
Follow Michael Rood back 1900 years to the Isle of Patmos, where he explores the 5th Gospel, the Book of Revelation. Revelation is the only book that was personally written by Jesus (Yeshua), with the apostle John (Yochanan) being His penman and messenger. Michael introduces us to some of the history surrounding the book of Revelation. How it was discarded and considered irrelevant by Constantine at the council of Nicea, and a century later rescued by those who read the words, “blessed are they that guard the things written herein.” We are blessed to be able to read and hold this revelation in our hands. The apostle John’s opening statement to the assemblies in Asia Minor tells us that we can all be priests and kings thanks to the renewed covenant not only engraved in stone, but written on our hearts. It is on this bleak and desolate Isle of Patmos that John received the Revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – the Almighty Judge who will rule the earth with absolute power and authority. Though the rulers of this world conspire against YeHoVaH and against his Messiah, the Almighty will have them in derision as their plans of global domination are incinerated before their eyes.
"Catch the Vision"
To make a difference in our world by surrendering
our wills to God's Will. Allowing God to empower
us to advance His Kingdom by proclaiming the
Gospel of the Kingdom, not only in word,
but with actions and deeds by the
power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Click Picture to watch "The Chosen".